The story of our first child.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

38 Weeks Pregnant!!

We’ve made it 38 weeks! Today I had a dr’s appt. My cervix has started opening and I’m dilated 1 cm! It’s not much, but it’s better than last week when my cervix was still closed and I wasn’t dilated at all! Dr. Wayman said she could feel Caylee’s head. I just think that’s so crazy!! Cooper and I believe Caylee will be born on or before May 20th, but if she isn’t my dr. wants to induce labor May 26th at 7:30 am. Caylee is getting so big that my back has really started feeling it, so last night my wonderful husband painted my toenails and gave me a massage!!


Momma Ross said...

We are counting down with you! In some ways I can't believe you are almost there and in other ways it seems to have taken forever. Very soon now.....yeah..... Way to go Cooper - keep the pampering up - this is when Angela needs it the most.

Auntie Stevee said...

My husband tried to paint my toes once... I think with a bit more practice, he could do it. I can not wait for Caylee to get here. I want her to bake a couple of more weeks, if she wants to, but another part of me wants you to go into labor now!

P.S. I deleted my myspace account. Do you two have facebook?

Baby Ticker

