We’re 36 weeks pregnant!! It’s so exciting to think we could meet baby Caylee any day now! Her nursery is pretty much complete and this weekend Cooper and I are going to go and buy the items we really need off her registry before she arrives. I honestly don’t think the specialist will send Cooper and me to the hospital next Wednesday for an induction. I have felt Caylee grow so much over the past couple weeks! She has grown so much that it’s very difficult for me to sleep at night and I’ve even been feeling uncomfortable throughout the day. I did paint my toe nails over the weekend! I was impressed that I could still reach them!! LOL
At 36 weeks she should measure over 17 inches long and weigh about 5.78 pounds. Between now and birth she will gain about an ounce a day!
You're almost there! You look FABULOUS!!
You've definitely gotten bigger since we were there at the beginning of the month - You do look wonderful. Can't wait to hold my first granddaughter!!!!
You look adorable!!
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