The story of our first child.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10 Weeks Pregnant!!

We’re 10 weeks pregnant! It’s hard to believe we’re a quarter of the way there!! I am feeling much better this week. I think my morning sickness (all day sickness) is over! Thank goodness! It was so hard going to work when I felt so nauseated, but I’m glad I did. I'll need my sick days for all the Dr. appointments we'll be going to. Cooper and I have no ideas for names yet. We’re calling the baby Coopela until we find out the sex, but at the rate we’re going we’ll still be calling the baby Coopela until the hospital makes us come up with a name for the birth certificate…lol!! We’re open to ideas and suggestions for names, so leave a comment with names and we’ll add them to our list! Next week is our next Dr. appointment and we’re getting another ultrasound. This time I’m asking for pictures so I can post them on our website for everyone to Ohh and Aww over!
Fetal development in pregnancy week 10: The most critical part of your infant's development is complete. Now you are headed into a period of rapid growth. While a bit strange to envision, your baby's head is now about half its length - Soon the rest of the body's growth will catch up but this area is prepared to keep up with the rapid brain development! Eyelids fuse shut and irises begin to develop - Eye color is also determined by this point. Placenta begins to function this week or next - The placenta is the organ responsible for both the provision of nutrients along with the removal of waste to keep your baby growing strong!

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