The story of our first child.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blah Blah Blah

Angela and I just got back from walking around the hoodski. Our doctor pretty much chewed us out for postponing the induction. It wasn't exactly the reaction we hoped for but then again we both kind of knew how she would react. On one hand she's just doing her job, and on the other hand she needs to respect our decisions with patience and understanding... which she did not. We feel confident in our decision, though we can’t help but feel a little sad knowing we could be holding our baby girl in our arms right now had we stuck with the plan.
We have a doctor’s visit on Thursday and if the baby isn’t here by early next week we will go ahead and induce.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The time has come...or has it?

Angela and I have been very excited about Caylee's arrival. We actually had it our minds that we’d go into labor before the date we were scheduled to be induced, which is tomorrow at 7:30am. Well, the time has come and Angela and I are forced to make a big decision. Do we want to go ahead with the pitosin and induce labor or do we want to wait a little while longer and try to let Caylee come out when she’s ready? It seems like a simple choice but our doctor(s) have told us sooner is better on account of some minor complications we experienced late in the pregnancy. We’ve heard all kinds of bad stories about pitosin lowering infant’s heartbeats and causing them to go into fetal distress, which would then mean a C section birth. We don’t want that. There are other side affects we don’t like about the drug too. SO….We called the hospital and canceled the induction. We will discuss another date with our doctor tomorrow. We’ll make another post when we know more. With any luck Angela will go into labor soon and we won’t have to worry so much.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Saturday Fun

There were some really cool clouds out today so I set the tripod up (again) in the driveway while I mowed the lawn. Angela and I just finished walking for an hour straight around the hood. She had a few contractions which was what we were hoping for...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just passing gas...I mean time.

I've been working from home this week waiting for my wife to go into labor so I thought I'd set a tripod up and make a time lapse sequence of a new roof getting put on our house.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Getting a little impatient! :)

Tomorrow is Caylee’s due date, but unfortunately I think she wants to be fashionably late. I was hoping to get checked yesterday, but my dr. was at the hospital with a patient so I only got a non stress test. I’ve been walking and eating foods that are supposed to start contractions. My neighbor made me some awesome Mexican food and I had contractions all night, but they went away once I got out of bed the next morning. I go back to the dr. on Thursday to get checked. Hopefully by Thursday I’ll have dilated even more! I feel like she is so low right now! My pelvic bone is sore from all the pressure. I think that’s probably a good sign that she’s dropping into place. Here are a couple pictures that were taken on Sunday. I was 39 ½ weeks pregnant!

Friday, May 15, 2009

39 Weeks Pregnant!!

We're 39 weeks pregnant and very ready to meet our little angel. Yesterday I had a dr's appt and I'm dilated 2 cm and my cervix is 60-70% effaced. Some of my contractions have started to be painful so Cooper and I have been timing them, but they are still very irregular. I’m hoping to go into labor this weekend, but unfortunately it’s not up to me.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

38 Weeks Pregnant!!

We’ve made it 38 weeks! Today I had a dr’s appt. My cervix has started opening and I’m dilated 1 cm! It’s not much, but it’s better than last week when my cervix was still closed and I wasn’t dilated at all! Dr. Wayman said she could feel Caylee’s head. I just think that’s so crazy!! Cooper and I believe Caylee will be born on or before May 20th, but if she isn’t my dr. wants to induce labor May 26th at 7:30 am. Caylee is getting so big that my back has really started feeling it, so last night my wonderful husband painted my toenails and gave me a massage!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cloudy Sunday Afternoon

We've had a rainy weekend here in in E-town. We did a bit of shopping yesterday and have been relaxing all day today. We watched Look Who's Talking last night and I was hoping to see Tiger pull a win at Quail Hollow but that didn't happen. Angela is doing good. She's moving a little slower and struggles a bit pulling herself off the couch. I help her when I can but normally she just makes a cute little grunt and stumbles onto her feet somehow. I'm very proud of her for doing so great. I made a quick little time lapse sequence out of my office window to showcase our beautiful weather. Hope you enjoy.

Baby Ticker

